
Rotax Metals

Brass Sales Facts: What Makes a Metal Suitable for Musical Instruments?

It’s every musician’s dream to be able to play the most expensive musical instruments available. Apart from the pride and honor the experience gives them, they believe that pricier instruments produce better sound.

In truth, this isn’t always the case. Many pricey musical instruments sound either the same or worse than their fairly priced counterparts. The flute, for instance, can be made from wood or metal. Although wooden flutes are much less durable than metal flutes and the sound they create is less audible, some wooden flutes actually have a higher price tag. Similarly, some metal instruments cost higher than other metal instruments because the metal used to make them are more precious, even if they sound almost the same.

Simply put, the price of musical instruments is influenced by various other factors apart from the quality of the sound they produce. In fact, in most cases, it is almost always the brand, rareness, or age of the instrument, and not the sound, that dictates the price.

brass instruments

So what makes a musical instrument sound well then?

Two influential factors can be looked at—material and structure. There is always an ideal material for each type of musical instrument. For instance, wood will always be the perfect material for violins, while metal is for trumpets and horns. Many had experimented on the effects of each material and that was what they concluded.

For musical instruments that has to be made of metal, however, the choices can be staggering as there are many metal alloys available. Each of this metal has a different effect on the audibility and clarity of the instrument’s sound, but do precious metals, such as gold and silver, sound better than less expensive metals like brass?

In a scientific study conducted by Widholm, the founder of Institut für Wiener Klangstil (IWK) at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna in 1980, it was found that the material a musical instrument is made of has little effect on the sound the instrument produces. Meaning, gold, silver, and brass trumpets and horns sound almost the same.

Is brass the material of choice for brass instruments because it is less expensive than gold and silver?

It’s easy to deduce that most brass instruments, such as trumpets and horns, are made of brass. Well, the low price is one reason but more importantly, brass is found to produce better sound than other metals due to its unique qualities. Among all the metals that can be used to make musical instruments, brass is the most malleable.

Apart from the natural acoustic properties of brass, its malleability allows it to be formed into tubes of different sizes, which are also essential to producing good sound. This is actually the real reason why brass is the preferred material for musical instruments, even if there’s a growing marketing for more expensive metals.

If you are to create a musical instrument yourself, you need brass of the highest quality. Remember that not all brass products have the same quality, as they are manufactured differently by different foundries. Reputable suppliers, such Rotax Metals, can help you find the brass sales that perfectly suit your needs.


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Red Metal: The Origin of Bronze Bars and Brass Channels

Copper is one of the few naturally occurring metals prized for their many valuable properties. With an atomic number of 29 and belonging to the “transition metal” group, it is strong, lustrous, and a good conductor of heat and electricity. Copper has high melting and boiling points, and an elegant reddish brown color and sheen, too. It’s no wonder copper is one of the most extensively used metals in the world.


How to Distinguish between Brass and Bronze—Copper & Brass Sales Facts

copper alloy

If you’ve ever experienced winning third place in a contest, chances are you’re familiar with bronze. That’s what they usually call the medal or trophy they give third bests. It is used to symbolize prestige just like gold and silver. Because of this, bronze enjoys some kind of fame, which is not enjoyed by other metals of the same classification. Brass, for instance, is a metal that is in the same league as bronze in terms of properties but not as popular.

This could pose a problem to those who are buying bronze or brass metals for the first time as they can mistake one for the other. Although some of their variants look the same, they have differences that limit they use for certain applications. Here’s a quick guide to distinguishing between brass and bronze, which can help you pick the right metal for your projects.


Brass and bronze have the same base element—copper—so in a number of ways they can look and feel similar. However, their alloying elements are different—brass has zinc, while bronze has tin. Other elements are added to create variants that perform well in specific applications. For instance, bronze can be further alloyed with phosphorus, manganese, aluminum, or silicon, while brass can be alloyed with iron. In spite of the changes made in their composition, both metals preserve the qualities that are distinct to them, which is why they do not transform into completely different materials.


Perhaps the best way to distinguish between brass and bronze is through their color. Brass usually has a muted yellow shade, much like dull gold, which makes it a good material for furniture and fixtures. Bronze, on the other hand, looks almost always a reddish brown. This characteristic may slightly change when other elements are added into the mixture, but it’s still easy to tell them apart.


If you really want to be sure that you’re using the right material, then there’s no better way than to test their properties. Brass is more malleable and ductile than bronze, and that’s simply because tin does a better job of pinning the copper lattice than zinc. Meaning, the lattices that make up brass can slide more freely on top of each other when the metal is rolled, pressed, or hammered. Because of this, bronze is also much more brittle than brass but it’s more durable as brass oxidizes much faster.


The main reason why bronze and brass were made is that there are many applications in which copper can’t be used for simple because it lacks certain critical properties. By combining with zinc to form brass, it becomes suitable for making musical instruments, plumbing fittings, and zippers. And by combining with tin to form bronze, it becomes a good material for making bells, ship fittings, ship propellers, submerged bearings, and weather-stripping among many others.

Knowing how to differentiate between brass and bronze will help you save huge sums of money. If you’re quite not confident with your choice, though, you can always ask for expert advice. This is why if you need metal supplies for your project, you should go to a reputable supplier. They will not only provide you with the highest quality copper & brass sales from their arsenal but they can also give you advice on what’s best for your project.


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