

Unique properties That Make Brass a Good Industrial Material

Brass is one of the first few metals unearthed by man. Since its discovery about 3,500 years ago, brass has been used for many different purposes, primarily for making ornaments. With innovation, which had taken a long way from smelting to speltering, brass has evolved alongside copper and bronze, providing materials for making valuable items such as coins, statues, and musical instruments. (more…)

Proper Bending of Brass Tubing: An Easy-to-Follow Step-by-Step Guide

Brass is a metal that’s easy to work with. In its tube form, you can shape it to your heart’s content and create specific furniture and fixture parts with it. Naturally, when you’re working with brass tubes, the first thing you’ll want to learn is how to bend it properly to achieve the shapes you want. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to bend brass tubes to achieve the best results. (more…)

Brass Extrusions: Understanding How Extrusion Works and Why It Is a Lucrative Molding Option

Before the metal parts in your car engine, plumbing system, or even the device where you’re reading this from became the intricate construct that they are now, they first underwent a series of arduous processes. Perhaps the most critical of these is molding, as it is in this stage where a metal’s final form is decided. (more…)

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