Four Properties that Make Bronze Bars and Sheets Valuable Materials

When looking at bronze bars or bronze sheets, it can be difficult to assess whether you’re looking at the ideal material for your current project. Characteristics such as malleability, corrosion resistance, appearance, durability, and others can vary wildly among different alloys of bronze, and more so when other metals such as brass or steel are also in the picture. So to be certain you’re choosing the perfect material, consider these traits of bronze, and from there, make the best possible decision:

Four Properties that Make Bronze Bars and Sheets Valuable Materials

Corrosion Resistance

In many situations where other metals might quickly lose their durability to various corrosives, bronze will hold up remarkably well—especially if you carefully consider the environment and choose the right type of bronze for the job. Bronze is especially valuable in maritime applications, resisting the ravages of electrolysis much better than other comparable alloys.


Compared to brass, bronze is a remarkably tough alloy. In situations where malleability and flexibility would be weaknesses, you’ll almost always want to choose a bronze alloy over a brass one. Oddly, this rigidity also makes bronze a preferable metal for bearings and other applications where you would want it to wear. Where the nature of brass can lead it to wear heavily when in contact with steel, bronze will yield over time without suffering major damage.


In situations where you have flexibility in the alloy you choose for the job, bronze can be chosen solely for its unique appearance. Various alloys offer a wide range of colorations, ranging from cool greys to warm golds, allowing quite a selection when the project has an aesthetic requirement.


In various applications where heavier is better, bronze offers extra weight for its size courtesy of its hefty copper component. It’s slightly heavier on average than an equivalent amount of brass, and noticeably heavier than an equivalent amount of steel. The added bulk can prove beneficial in various applications.

Altogether, bronze continues to play a key role in architecture, manufacturing, plumbing, and countless other industries and applications. Using it in the right place, in the right way, will unlock the benefits that will make your project a success.


Bronze: Characteristics, Uses And Problems, U.S. General Services Adminstration

Density of Metals,

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