Copper Sheet Supplier Discusses the Many Advantages of Copper Roofing

Most roofing contractors and architectural firms employ tiles or shingles for their client’s roofs. After all, these two are good options for clients who put a premium on functionality and affordability. However, shingles and tiles are far from the only roofing materials that these firms can recommend. As it happens, copper is being used more and more frequently in various roofing projects around the country.

A Primer on Copper Roofing

Copper roofs aren’t anything new, though. In fact, it’s one of the oldest roofing materials, with many historical buildings worldwide sporting a copper dome. Rotax Metals, a longtime copper sheet supplier based in New York, says that most copper roofing start out cold rolled sheets measuring anywhere from two to 10 feet. The method of installing them to roofs differ, but they usually involve fastening cleats to battens or directly to roof decking.

copper roofing

Why Install Copper Roofs

Admittedly, copper roofs are not the most affordable option, which is why most roofers and architectural firms hesitate to recommend them to clients. That being said, they do offer many unique advantages that more than compensate for the higher upfront cost, such as:

Practically Indestructible

As the many churches and historical building around the world attest to, copper is the most durable roofing material you can install. Copper roofs hold up extremely well against extreme weather conditions and is virtually fire proof, thereby guaranteeing generations of service to its lucky owner.

Maintenance Free

Unlike other metal roofs, copper roofing will never rust or corrode. Additionally, it does not need to be painted (or repainted in the future) because it already possesses a natural gold-like hue. Given these qualities, clients can potentially save considerable money with a copper roof.

Sustainable Material

Nowadays, consumers have become more eco-conscious than ever. For them, a copper roof is an excellent recommendation because up to 75% of it made from recycled metals. As such, installing this kind of roof can help prevent homeowners from contributing to the enormous amount of constructing waste lining the country’s landfills.

Increase Home Value

Because a copper roof is rarity in most neighborhoods, it can become a major draw when a homeowner decides to sell his home. Moreover, qualities like durability, low maintenance, and fire resistance make it an attractive roofing option for buyers.

For businesses wondering where to buy copper sheets, a good place to start is online. Companies like Rotax Metals allow clients to order custom sheet sizes online, which are then delivered straight to their door for maximum convenience.

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